Fomaspeed Variant (313 Velvet) – 8″x10″ (25 sheet)

22.50 inc VAT

Fomaspeed Variant (313 Velvet) is a variable-contrast neutral tone resin-coated paper with a white base. The paper is distinguished by a beautiful velvet-like surface. It provides a wide contrast range, with possible results ranging from ranging from ultra-hard to extra-soft contrast. This makes it possible to get good prints from negatives with extremely low or extremely high contrast. An excellent alternative to Ilford’s MGIV RC Pearl paper.

Foma have been making photographic products in the since 1921. They currently have an excellent extensive range of Resin Coated and Fibre Based papers which can sometimes be confusing, so here is a summary of the most popular ones we stock.

Fomaspeed Variant 313 (Velvet) is a variable-contrast neutral tone resin-coated paper with a white base. The paper is distinguished by a beautiful velvet-like surface. It provides a wide contrast range, with possible results ranging from ranging from ultra-hard to extra-soft contrast. This makes it possible to get good prints from negatives with extremely low or extremely high contrast. An excellent alternative to Ilford’s MGIV RC Pearl paper.

Fomabrom Variant 111: Exceptional value variable contrast fibre paper, neutral tones, bright white base, gloss surface.

Fomatone MG Classic Warm Tone 133 (Velvet): A beautiful variable-contrast fibre based warm tone double weight enlarging paper on a light cream coloured base. The Chloro-Bromide emulsion results in traditional warm tones, making it a beautiful paper for portraits but equally good for most other purposes. This paper responds beautifully to toning and Lith printing.

Other Foma papers are available on request.

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